Sermons from September 2023
The Mind’s Eye
Sermon Series: Outside InSermon Title: The mind’s eyeSermon Scripture: Acts 1:9 Sermon Big Idea: Jesus’ ascension was the ultimate action. And His ultimate action is to stir our ultimate reaction. The key word is action. John 19:16-18 Luke 24:1-7 Having experienced the victorious Jesus, what’s next? There is a time for everything except doing nothing.
Perpetual Pupil
Sermon Series: Outside InSpeaker: Andy BrattonSermon Scripture: Acts 1:1-11 John 14:16-17,26 John 15:26 John 16:7-15 The Holy Spirit will: teach, train, guide In all things Jesus Luke 24:49 Acts 1:1-3 Acts 1:4-5 Acts 1:6-11 Acts 2:1-4 1 Corinthians 6:19 Romans 8:11 The Holy Spirit is God in us, teaching, training, and guiding us to do His will.
To Be Sure!
Does a Christian have the assurance of salvation? John 10:1-6 John 10:7-9 John 10:10-16 John 10:17-18 John 10:22-30 But can you lose that security? John 15:1-2 – by being pruned. Hebrews 3:12 – by choosing to leave. How do we abide? John 15:7,9,10 – In His words, His love, His commands John 10:1-30