Sermons on Esther

Sermons on Esther

A Royal Rescue

A Royal Reversal – Pt. 2

Esther 9:20-28 Sermon Big Idea:  From destruction to salvation, God’s power can turn any of us around. Purim is celebrated on a memorable month. (9:20-22) Purim is celebrated in remembrance of the adversary. (9:23-24) Purim is a celebration of rescue! (9:25-28) And then came Jesus! (Matthew 1:21) Our remembrance resembles that of Purim.  However, the focus is on Jesus, not the adversary.  And, our focus is not on rescue, but on salvation!
A Royal Rescue

A Royal Reversal – Pt. 1

Sermon Scripture:  Esther 8-10 The Big Idea: When we stand strong, God will deliver on his promises.  When we turn our heart away from him we end up in exile. Esther gets a reversal of fortune from the king. God reminds people of their upcoming reversal of home. Israel gets a reversal from victims to victors. The Persians and Medes feared the reversal of position. When we stand strong in Christ, no reversal is necessary.
A Royal Rescue

Best Laid Plans

Esther 5-7 What are we willing to give up for our pride? Haman lived his life for himself. The king lived impulsively. Esther lived courageously and sacrificially for others. Mordecai lived for the promise of God. How then will you live?  Will you live sacrificially, courageously, impulsively, selfishly, or will you live for God’s promise?
A Royal Rescue

Jumping without a parachute

Sermon Scripture:  Esther 4 Sermon Big Idea:  Life brings difficult situations.  When they come, how will we respond? When in distress, go humbly before the Lord. When in distress, look where God is already working. When in distress, ask the hard questions. When in distress, do the hard thing. The easy way out usually isn’t a way out at all.
A Royal Rescue

The Agitator

King Ahasuerus rewarded people for the wrong reasons. Mordecai used his belief system to resist allegiance. Haman revealed his character and pride in his resolve. King Ahasuerus remains impulsive and ignorant. We discover the importance of the book of Esther. Theological Lessons: God’s promise to Abraham was about to be in jeopardy. Satan was told he would bruise the heel of Eve’s offspring. God first, country second. Practical Lessons: Surround yourself with people of Godly character. Don’t let pride cause How COVID has affected us
A Royal Rescue

A Star is Born

Esther 2 Sermon Big Idea:  God can use anybody in any situation to do His will.  But He would rather use a surrendered heart. The king ruined one life, now he is about to ruin many more. (v. 1-4) Mordecai rescued Esther and Esther will rescue Israel. (v. 5-11) A night with the king becomes a nightmare. (v. 12-14) The bright star shone brightly. (v. 15-18) A plot was revealed that will play a part in the larger plot. (v. How COVID has affected us