God and Politics

God and Politics

God and Politics Sermon Series

What do I do if My Candidate Loses?

We might think we know how things are supposed to happen, but always be ready for God to do something we don’t expect. Adonijah was presumptuous. (1 Kings 1:5-10) Bathsheba was preserving self. (1 Kings 1:11-14,16-17,20-21) God had a plan. (1 Chronicles 28:3,5-6) David was giving praise. (1 Kings 1:48) Present fulfillment (2 Samuel 23:5) Future fulfillment (Acts 2:30-31) Eternal fulfillment (Psalm 39:5,7) We praise God on Wednesday for what He has done today, will do in the future, and How COVID has affected us
God and Politics Sermon Series

How to Tackle the Issues

Matthew 25:31-46Matthew 28:18-20James 1:26-27Matthew 22:34-40 Sanctity of Life Abortion – Psalm 139:13-16, Luke 1:41 Capital punishment – Numbers 35:30-31; John 8:7; Matthew 5:38-39 LGBTQ – Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:26-27;  Gun rights – Luke 22:36; Ecclesiastes 9:18; Matthew 26:52 The Environment – Psalm 89:11 “The heavens are yours; the earth also is yours; the world and all that is in it, you have founded them.” What about the “me” issues? Social Security Healthcare Taxes Our litmus test for the issues are: How COVID has affected us
God and Politics Sermon Series

The Disliked Leader

We may disagree on policy and issues related to our world, but that doesn’t mean we are exempt from loving others. We don’t get to pick and choose which verses we follow. Romans 13:1-2 1 Peter 2:13-14 God uses unlikely people to accomplish His will. Samson Nebuchadnezzar God teaches us to honor and love those we disagree with. Saul and David 1 Samuel 24:5-6 1 Samuel 26:9 2 Samuel 1:16 Be careful how you speak about the Lord’s anointed.
God and Politics Sermon Series

A Hillbilly’s Guide to Politics

Sermon Scripture:  Exodus 18 Sermon Big Idea:  When we put God’s will first, the result is peace Moses gave God credit (v. 1-9) Moses and Jethro praised and worshiped God (v. 10-12) Moses settled disputes according to God’s decrees (v. 13-16) Jethro had a more comprehensive plan (v. 17-27) Keep taking disputes to God (v. 19-20) Select leaders (v. 21-23) Capable Honest Fear God Hate bribes Break into smaller groups (v. 21-23) And the result was PEACE