Life in Three Words
Go and Tell
Matthew 28:18-20
Come Have Breakfast
Luke 5:27-32 Luke 14:7-14 The table was an important place of Jewish fellowship. The table was reserved for special guests. The table provided Jesus a teaching opportunity. It is important who you invite. It is important to behave properly as an invitee. The table was a place of restoration. John 21:1-14 For Peter, the table was a nod from Jesus saying, “It’s okay, I forgive you. Matthew 26:26-29 Who do you need to invite to breakfast this week? When we How COVID has affected us
He is Risen
John 20:1-10 Peter and John saw and believed. John 20:11-18 Mary Magdalene said, “I have seen.” John 20:19-23 The Disciples, “saw the Lord.” John 20:24-29 Thomas said, “Unless I see.” John 20:30-31 John wrote these words “…so that you…”
Blessed Is He
James 3:8-10 1 Chronicles 11:4-9 2 Chronicles 36:17-21 Mark 10:46; 11:11