Reset Jesus

Reset Jesus

Sermon Series Reset Jesus

Jesus is a Miracle Worker

Sermon Big Idea:  Jesus is a miracle worker and the biggest miracle He worked was you and I. John 1:43-51 Genesis 32:28 Genesis 27:36a Genesis 28:10-13a John 2:8-9a – Wedding at Cana John 4:49-50 – Heals an official’s son John 5:8-9a – Heals an invalid John 6:11 – Feeds 5,000 John 6:19 – Walks on water John 9:3,6 – Heals a blind man John 11:40-43 – Raises Lazarus John 20:18 – Resurrection John 20:26 – Walked through walls John 21:6 How COVID has affected us
Sermon Series Reset Jesus

Jesus is the Way

The first step is to follow.  Following means to change direction and move. John 20:30-31 John 12:23-26 Matthew 14:31-33 John 18:25-27 John 21:12a Acts 2:36 Mark 1:17 Revelation 2:17
Sermon Series Reset Jesus

Jesus is the Lamb

Sermon Scripture:  John 1:19-34 Sermon Big Idea:  John testified to the fact that he is not the Messiah, but that he was prophesied about just like Jesus was. John 20:30-31 John clarifies his identity (v. 19-28) Not a friend of the religious leaders (Matthew 3:7-10) John the preparer (Isaiah 40:1-5) By voice (Matthew 3:2) By baptism (Matthew 3:11) John clarifies Jesus’ identity (v. 29-34) Existed before John (John 1:2) In authority over John (Matthew 3:14; Mark 1:7; Luke 3:17) Lamb How COVID has affected us
Sermon Series Reset Jesus

Jesus is the Word

Sermon Scripture:  John 1:1-18 Sermon Big Idea:  Jesus is the Word.  He was present in the beginning and all things were made through Him.  He is God! John 20:30-31 He is the Word (v. 1-3) God used words at creation (Genesis 1:3,5,6,8,9,10,11,26-31) God used words to call Abram (Genesis 12:1-3) God used words to introduce himself to Moses (Exodus 3:13-14) Jesus used the same language for himself (Jn 6,8,10,11,14,15) Brought people to a halt at time of arrest (Jn 18:4-6) How COVID has affected us