

Overshadow Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

Simply the Best Place to Be

Sermon Scripture:  Luke 2:8-20 Sermon Big Idea:  Being in the shadow of the power of the most high works best if we simply accept who God is and what He did for us. Sermon part 1 They simply received the simple message (Luke 2:8-15) Luke 2:15.  Let us go and see this thing the Lord has made known to us John 10:11.  “I am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” Sermon part 2 How COVID has affected us
Overshadow Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ


The wise men’s hearts were overshadowed by worship. Are they magi? (Daniel 1:20, 2:5, 2:24) Are they wise men? (1 Kings 10:7,9-10) Are they kings? (Isaiah 39:6, 60:10) Herod’s heart was overshadowed by worry and fear. King of the Jews? Builder and baby killer? (Matthew 2:16) The Priests and Scribes’ hearts were overshadowed by confusion. (Matthew 2:5-6) If they knew about Jesus why didn’t they worship Him? Why information without action? Do you seek Him as a magi, wise man, How COVID has affected us
Overshadow Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

In The Right Shadow

Luke 1:26-38, 45 Sermon Big Idea:  The power of the Most High overshadows our fears  Mary was greatly troubled, afraid, confused, but obedient. The power of the most high can overshadow our doubts, fears, and confusion. The power of the most high overshadows and then sends. When what we do is from the power of the Holy Spirit, it is holy. 1 Kings 19 God wants to hear from us what we perceive is wrong. God reveals Himself to us. How COVID has affected us