Sermons on Daniel
Sermon Series: Teach us to PraySermon Scripture: Daniel 2,9Speaker: Andy BrattonBig Idea: Daniel’s heart was what made his prayers powerful, effective, and worth modeling. The first instruction of prayer is to start with the right attitude. Luke 11:1 James 5:16 Daniel 2:17-18,19-23 Daniel 9:1-4 Daniel 9:5-8 Daniel 9:9-19 Learning how to pray starts with the proper posture, which puts God in his proper position.
Guest speaker, Dr. Frank Weller, shares on our identity in Christ. Dr. Weller is the president of Great Lakes Christian College in Lansing, Michigan.
Hope Without a Voice
Daniel 1,3,6 Sermon Big Idea: The best way to increase our hope is to increase our faithfulness to a holy God. Daniel 1:8 Daniel changed the diet because of his fear of God. Daniel 3:17-18 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego didn’t fear death because they serve the God of life. Daniel 6:10,16,22 Daniel survived the den because God had found him blameless. Proverbs 1:7, Daniel 4:34, Matthew 6:19-21, Mark 10:43, 2 Samuel 24:24 To increase hope, fear the God that created How COVID has affected us
The Stump that Discovered the Tree of Life
Despite God’s warnings, Judah rejected God. (2 Chronicles 36:15-16) Despite Nebuchadnezzar’s belief, God used him to punish Judah. (2 Kings 25:1-2) Despite Daniel’s warning, Nebuchadnezzar fell victim to his pride. (Daniel 4:27;29-33) Despite Nebuchadnezzar’s punishment, he lifted his eyes to Heaven and his reason returned to him. (Daniel 4:34-35) If Judah would have looked to God alone, their reason would return, and they too would have recognized He is the only true God. Daniel 4:1-3
He’s Jesus, Not Genie
Daniel 9:15-19 Because of what God has done, we can be confident He canis able to answer. Because God is merciful, we can make a plea. Because we are His children, we can ask for His attention. Because everything is God’s, His will be done. As we plug into the ultimate power source, the results may be shocking, but His light will always be shining.
Are you Braced for the Answers?
Daniel 9:20-27 Daniel’s prayers were being answered… with insight and understanding as he began to pray. because he was greatly loved. from the words of God. The healing for our church, community, nation, and world is found in the Word of God.
Painful Memories
Daniel 9:4-14 When we look inside our heart we remember… Our active sins against God’s law Our deafness to God’s voice The awful consequences of our sin An inward look without an upward look leaves us hopeless When we look to our Heavenly Father we remember He is… Our great and awesome God Our covenant keeping God Our merciful God Brace for impact as we go to war in prayer, remembering where we’ve been, and more importantly, where we’re going.
In the Case of an Emergency…
Our posture toward God in prayer says a lot about our heart of prayer.
The Lion is not a Reliable Pet
1 Peter 5:8-9 Daniel 6:1-3 Daniel became the prey Daniel 6:4-9 The jealous lions were licking their lips Daniel 6:10-15 The prowling lions pounced Daniel 6:16-24 The prey prayed and found favor with THE King Daniel 6:25-28 The prowling lion took another blow to the head Genesis 3:15 The lion’s pride was not enough to destroy a lion’s heart Luke 2:52
Image is Everything
Daniel 3:1-3 Image was everything to Nebuchadnezzar Daniel 3:4-7 Nebuchadnezzar wanted an image of submission Daniel 3:8-12 The Chaldeans wanted the image of fairness Daniel 3:13-15 Nebuchadnezzar revealed his true image Daniel 3:16-18 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are an image of faith Daniel 3:19-30 God rewarded faith; Nebuchadnezzar tried to manufacture it The image we portray to the world of what it looks like to follow Jesus, should leave the world in awe; just as we should be of Shadrach, How COVID has affected us