Sermons on 2 Chronicles

Sermons on 2 Chronicles

Teach us to pray sermon series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

Bow with your eyes up

Sermon Series:  Teach us to Pray!Sermon Title: Bow with your eyes upSermon Scripture: 2 Chronicles 20:1-12Speaker: Andy Bratton Big Idea:  Jehoshaphat felt the nations closing in on him and begged God for guidance.  When we pray, we are asking God for guidance, even as the world is closing in around us. 20:1-2 20:3-4 20:5-9 20:10-12 Hebrews 12:1-2 Psalm 34:5 Psalm 119:37 Matthew 6:22 A good prayer life is fueled by our vision.

An Underrated Discovery

Josiah didn’t let his father influence his pursuit of God. (2 Chronicles 34:1-2) At 16 he sought God (2 Chronicles 34:3a) At 20 he affirmed his love by destroying idols (2 Chronicles 34:3b) At 26 he made history (2 Chronicles 34:15; 35:18) Josiah discovered that God… Deals out justice (2 Chronicles 34:24-25) Protects those who seek after Him with a tender and humble heart. (2 Chronicles 34:26-27) The power of God’s Word is that it will lead us to know How COVID has affected us