Sermons on Job

Sermons on Job

The Fight Within Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

The Real Trophy

Job repents by humbling himself before God – Job 42:1-6 If my people will…2 Chronicles 7:11-14 Peter in the Temple.  Acts 3:19 Job’s friends are called to repent by God – Job 42:7-9 God gives repentance instruction The size of the sacrifice tells us how upset God was Job is allowed to intercede for his friends/enemies Reconciliation? – Matthew 5:44, Proverbs 25:21-22 Prayers of the righteous – James 5:16 Job is restored with blessings from God – Job 42:10-11 The How COVID has affected us
The Fight Within Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

The Answer We Don’t Want

Job 38:1-3 Our arrogance leads us to want answers. We must accept God’s wisdom “like a man.” How will we answer the questions God has for us? Job 38:4-7 Where were we when He created everything? Our view of God is limited to our short life. Job 38:12-27;39:1-4 Do we know how God established everything? Our view of the world is limited to our little piece of it. Our view of life is limited to human life. Job 40:1-14 Will How COVID has affected us
The Fight Within Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

Forced Preparation

Job 33-37 Big Idea:  The pain Job is suffering and that you and I suffer is to purify our life, not punish our life. Why is this happening?Options we consider: God’s wrath Satan’s temptation God’s testing Our fallen world Who is this 4th friend?Should we lump Elihu in with Job’s friends? God didn’t reprimand him Job didn’t respond to him What he says seems to be on point God will take drastic measures to get our attention. (33:14-26) As good How COVID has affected us
The Fight Within Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

Who is your Army?

Job 2-31 Sermon Big Idea:  We need to surround ourselves with people who will speak truth in love. A good friend has your back His friends came to console him His friends came to wait in silence with him A good friend gives his/her ear His friends heard him out A good friend washes your feet His friends talked a lot but didn’t act much A good friend offers leadership His friends spoke from what they thought Notice you didn’t How COVID has affected us
The Fight Within Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

A Twisted Truth

Job 1:1-2:10 Job was a man with actionable faith. (1:1-5) Feared and turned – Proverbs 1:7 Proactive on behalf of his kids – Proverbs 22:6 Satan questioned Job’s faith and God’s knowledge. (1:6-12) Who is Satan? Adversary and slanderer Genesis 3:1-5 – crafty tempter 1 Peter 5:8 – devours Acts 5:3 – “takes over hearts” What does he get to do? Job’s faith in and knowledge of God both increased. (1:13-22) Worshiped – James 4:7 He learned the Lord gives How COVID has affected us