Outside In

Outside In

Outside In Sermon Series from the Kalkaska Church of Christ

A Big Hairy Audacious Family

Sermon Scripture: Acts 17:26Sermon Big Idea: The Bible doesn’t instruct us to look through national eyes but through the eyes of Christ.  And the eyes of Christ look with love. Why and How do we accomplish this? Let’s be a Big Hairy Audacious Family!
Outside In Sermon Series from the Kalkaska Church of Christ

If Jesus is Lord…

Sermon Series:  Outside InSermon Title:  If Jesus is our Lord, why ask for someone else’s opinionSermon Scripture: Acts 2Speaker: Jeff Badgero Mark 12:29-31John 20:31John 8:31-32Acts 22 Corinthians 7:10Acts 8:26-39Acts 9:1-8Acts 22:6-16 OMgEmphasis on small g – ‘Cause my God created the heavens and earthHe’s not a jokeHe’s not meant to be eye candyHe has no participation with our lust! So could we just repent of using His name in vain and stop doing it.
Outside In Sermon Series from the Kalkaska Church of Christ

The Mind’s Eye

Sermon Series:  Outside InSermon Title:  The mind’s eyeSermon Scripture: Acts 1:9 Sermon Big Idea: Jesus’ ascension was the ultimate action.  And His ultimate action is to stir our ultimate reaction.  The key word is action. John 19:16-18 Luke 24:1-7 Having experienced the victorious Jesus, what’s next? There is a time for everything except doing nothing.
Outside In Sermon Series from the Kalkaska Church of Christ

Perpetual Pupil

Sermon Series:  Outside InSpeaker: Andy BrattonSermon Scripture: Acts 1:1-11 John 14:16-17,26 John 15:26 John 16:7-15 The Holy Spirit will: teach, train, guide In all things Jesus Luke 24:49 Acts 1:1-3 Acts 1:4-5 Acts 1:6-11 Acts 2:1-4 1 Corinthians 6:19 Romans 8:11 The Holy Spirit is God in us, teaching, training, and guiding us to do His will.