Sermons on 2 Kings
A Battle of Kings
Sermon Big Idea: Like the people of Israel we want a king to lead us like the rest of the world, but only Jesus is the good and perfect King. Keep going – James 1:12 Imitate – Colossians 2:6-7 Surrender – Galatians 2:20; Luke 14:33 Serve – 2 Samuel 24:24; Matthew 23:11 The people of Israel chose to look like the world instead of the King that was fighting hardest for their hearts.
The Stump that Discovered the Tree of Life
Despite God’s warnings, Judah rejected God. (2 Chronicles 36:15-16) Despite Nebuchadnezzar’s belief, God used him to punish Judah. (2 Kings 25:1-2) Despite Daniel’s warning, Nebuchadnezzar fell victim to his pride. (Daniel 4:27;29-33) Despite Nebuchadnezzar’s punishment, he lifted his eyes to Heaven and his reason returned to him. (Daniel 4:34-35) If Judah would have looked to God alone, their reason would return, and they too would have recognized He is the only true God. Daniel 4:1-3
The Pants Nobody Wants to Wear
2 Kings 5:1-15 Naaman was a man of great power The Jewish slaves taken in war were powerless Naaman was a man of great possessions Jewish slaves only possessed what was in their heart and mind Naaman was a man of great pride The Jewish slaves took pride in who they served The power of God comes in one size, and it fits all