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The Greatest Comeback in HIStory!

Jesus’ comeback is certain Jesus promised (Revelation 22:7,12,20) Jesus prophesied another event that came true (Matthew 16,17,20) Jesus’ comeback moment is a secret Only the Father knows (Acts 1:7) Jesus’ comeback will be sudden (Matthew 25:6,13) (1 Corinthians 15:51-52) We need to be prepared We need plenty of oil. (Matthew 25:1-5) We need to use the gifts we have been given (Matthew 25:23;26-30) We need to care for the “least of these.” (Matthew 25:40,45) We need to be proclaimers To How COVID has affected us

Lessons from Joshua

Joshua 1:1-18 Sermon Big Idea:  Joshua leads the Israelites into the Promised Land through faithfulness and obedience to God. Get our feet wet – Hebrews 11:6 Eyes focused on God – Matthew 6:33 Put the Word in our hearts  – Joshua 1:8; Psalm 119:11 Recognizing whose hand is leading you – Proverbs 16:9 Standing Down – Ephesians 6:12

Siri! Directions home!

Luke 15:3-7 The lost sheep is a lesson in our value to God. Luke 15:8-10 The lost coin is a lesson in the importance of God’s reputation. Luke 15:11-32 The lost son is a lesson in God’s love and man’s heart. All three stories are filled with hope and reflect God’s desire to be with us for eternity. And that’s why “sinners” are drawn to Jesus!

Jenga my heart, Oh God!

Nehemiah’s… Heritage led to a hurt heart Wept, prayed, and fasted It was his home It was his country/nation Not just about physical repairs They were left vulnerable They brought it on themselves Determination led to passionate pleas King To be able to go For supplies People of Israel Find some pride to rebuild Obey God Passion brought about effective execution Assessed and developed a plan Plan to physically rebuild Plan to spiritually rebuild Fought through adversity External enemies Internal How COVID has affected us

Put Out the Fresh Linens

Philemon A church home is a place where faith in Jesus and love toward the saints brings… (v. 4-7) Joy Comfort Refreshment A church home receives back those who have been gone with an exposed heart. (v. 8-20) Remembering where we were Remembering who saved us Remembering who grace is for A church home always prepares for guests. (v. 21-25) Expecting someone will arrive Keeping the house in order Taking nothing for granted Onesimus ran away from slavery, but returned How COVID has affected us