Job 33-37
Big Idea: The pain Job is suffering and that you and I suffer is to purify our life, not punish our life.
Why is this happening?
Options we consider:
- God’s wrath
- Satan’s temptation
- God’s testing
- Our fallen world
Who is this 4th friend?
Should we lump Elihu in with Job’s friends?
- God didn’t reprimand him
- Job didn’t respond to him
- What he says seems to be on point
- God will take drastic measures to get our attention. (33:14-26)
- As good of people as we may think we are, we still sin. (34:5-10)
- The core of our battle against sin is pride. (35:10-12)
- If we listen and serve Him, our pain strengthens us. (36:5-11)
At all times, remember the wondrous works of God. (37:14-24)
- Regardless of why this is happening, we need to find a way to seek God during it, so that we might journey with Jesus and become like Him.
- What will really be a shame is if we are at the same place when this is done as when we started it.