Come Have Breakfast

Come Have Breakfast

Luke 5:27-32

Luke 14:7-14

  1. The table was an important place of Jewish fellowship.
  2. The table was reserved for special guests.
  3. The table provided Jesus a teaching opportunity.
    1. It is important who you invite.
    2. It is important to behave properly as an invitee.
    3. The table was a place of restoration.

John 21:1-14

For Peter, the table was a nod from Jesus saying, “It’s okay, I forgive you.

Matthew 26:26-29

Who do you need to invite to breakfast this week?

When we have difficulty forgiving someone…remember that “blessed is He,” who said, “It is finished,” ending sin’s stranglehold on us, “so that you…” might be forgiven and have eternal life.  And maybe Jesus will point you to someone who needs restoration and use you to invite him/her to breakfast.

He is Risen