Seeking Jesus?

Seeking Jesus?

Big Idea:  When looking for Jesus you may not find what you are looking for, but if you do find Him you will find exactly what you need.

  1. Wise men were seeking a miracle – Matthew 2:1-2
  2. Andrew and Peter were seeking a Messiah – John 1:35-39; Acts 1:6
  3. Followers of Jesus were seeking manna – John 6:26 What are you seeking?
  4. The wise men knew it was Him by a sign – Matthew 2:9
  5. Peter and Andrew knew it was Him by senses – John 6:68
  6. Many followed, but never knew He was the Savior – John 6:41-42 How will you know when you found Him?
  7. When the wise men found Him they worshiped – Matthew 2:9-11
  8. When Peter and Andrew found Him they went to Him – John 1:40-42
  9. When most people found Him they walked away – John 6:60,66

What will you do when you find Him?

Seek Him, See Him, and Surrender to Him