A Divine Smackdown

A Divine Smackdown

Sermon Scripture:  Luke 11:37-54

Sermon Big Idea:  The key is to clean the inside first by being persistent, united, enguard, a doer, repentant, and a light.  Then we will have the keys to open the gate and to not hinder others from entering.

Jesus teaches us how to disciple:

  1. Be persistent in prayer (Luke 11:1-13)
  2. Be united (Luke 11:14-23)
  3. Be on watch (Luke 11:24-26)
  4. Be hearers and doers (Luke 11:27-28)
  5. Be repentant (Luke 11:29-32)
  6. Be lights (Luke 11:33-36)
  • As we are those things, we will clean the inside so that the outside is really clean not a false sense of clean. (Luke 11:37-44)
  • As we are those things, we will not stand as accusers but as accused and therefore have the keys to knowledge. (Luke 11:45-52)

To be a disciple is to release Jesus in our life, not catch Him and keep Him from the world.  (Luke 11:53-54)