Sermons on Marriage

Sermons on Marriage

Stretch Sermon Series from the Kalkaska Church of Christ January 2024

Making the Easy Greasy

Sermon Series:  StretchSermon Title:  Making the Easy GreasySpeaker: Andy Bratton Big Idea:  Following God’s plan with our whole heart will lead to unity.  If we rely on our own strength we will experience separation. Matthew 19:1-6 Matthew 19:7-9 1 Corinthians 7:10-17,25-28 If we take any part of our marriage lightly, we will more than likely find our marriage lacking.
Stretch Sermon Series from the Kalkaska Church of Christ January 2024

Marital Bliss or Bust

Sermon Series:  Stretch Sermon Title:  Marital Bliss or Bust Sermon Scripture: See Below Big Idea:  Many of the marriage pitfalls can be avoided with proper preparation.  But when that ship has passed, we trust the God who gave us marriage. Genesis 2:24-25; Ephesians 5:22,25 1 Peter 3:1-7 Matthew 19:3-9; Deuteronomy 24:1; Exodus 21:10; 1 Corinthians 7:27-28 If we take any part of marriage lightly, we will more than likely find our marriage lacking.
Stretch Sermon Series from the Kalkaska Church of Christ January 2024


Sermon Series:  StretchSermon Title:  ApplicableSermon Scripture: Acts 18; Psalm 127:1-2; Matthew 7:24-27Big Idea:  Our action toward a better marriage starts with a reaction to what God wants our marriage to be. A healthy marriage isn’t luck.  It’s being intentional. Psalm 127:1-2 (Something Old) Matthew 7:24-27 (Something New) Acts 18:1-3,18,24-26 (Something to give away and someplace to serve for you two) Ecclesiastes 4:12 How to wrap your marriage around God Strive to be a couple who doesn’t just grow your marriage, How COVID has affected us
Stretch Sermon Series from the Kalkaska Church of Christ January 2024

The Death Sentence

Sermon Series:  Stretch Sermon Title:  The Death Sentence Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 5:21-27; John 12:1-11,20-26 Big Idea:  The first step in stretching your marriage is dying to self. Ephesians 5:21-27 John 12:1-11 John 12:20-26 The miracle of marriage is how two individuals become one.  One in Christ, one in action, and one on mission. What new action will you take this year to be a couple that moves closer to being like Jesus?  _______________________________
One Thing Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ in November 2023

Pre-Marital Counseling

Sermon Series:  One ThingSermon Title:  Pre-marital counselingSermon Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-16Sermon Big Idea: We are to grow up in Christ to full maturity as a couple must mature to prepare for marriage. 4:1-3 4:4-6 4:7-14 4:15-16 Revelation 21:2 There is no better marriage to prepare for than that of our soul with Christ.
Let's Get Dirty Marriage Series

Getting the “W” in an argument

Scripture:  Song of Solomon 5:9-16;6:8-10 Big Idea:  Conflict in marriage is inevitable.  We need to figure out a course of action to work through it so it doesn’t work through us. Who are we? James 1:19; Ephesians 4:31 Song of Solomon 5:9-16; 6:8-10 Genesis 2:24 What happened? John 7:24 NLT Where do I go for help?  Song of Solomon 6:1 1 Corinthians 6:1-7 2 Timothy 3:16 Will you forgive me? Matthew 5:9 Why wouldn’t I? Luke 17:3 Ephesians 4:26-27 Colossians How COVID has affected us
Let's Get Dirty Marriage Series

The Topic None of us Wants to Discuss

Sermon Scripture:  Song of Solomon 4:1-5:1 Sermon Big Idea:  To understand sex in a marriage relationship is to understand each other. Song of Solomon 4:1-5:1 Time is your friend and so is your spouse Solomon took time to compliment his wife Solomon took time to admire his wife Solomon took time to explore his wife Romance is an art so don’t settle for dogs playing poker Solomon used flattering words Solomon’s words painted a vivid picture Solomon’s words were suggestive How COVID has affected us
Let's Get Dirty Marriage Series

Here Comes the Groom?

The excitement of the wedding day is exponential when entered in preparation, not a conclusion. Scripture: Song of Solomon 3:6-11 The way is led by God (v. 6a) Exodus 13:21-22; 2 Chronicles 32:8 Romans 12:2 James 4:8a The witnesses are guards (v. 7-8) Matthew 18:16 Deuteronomy 19:15 Proverbs 27:17 The groom enters with confidence (v. 9-10) 2 Corinthians 12:9 2 Timothy 1:7 Hebrews 13:6 The parents approve (v. 11) Matthew 19:5-6 Genesis 2:24-25 With the right preparation, the wedding day How COVID has affected us
Let's Get Dirty Marriage Series


Sermon Scripture:  Song of Solomon 2-3 Sermon Big Idea:  If we can visualize and conceptualize being in God’s loving arms, parent’s loving arms, and finally the loving arms of our spouse, we will realize the relationship with God, family, and our spouse God wants for us. Song of Solomon 2 Visualize The only one for you – (2:1-3) The strength of your relationship – (2: 4-7) Being together forever – (2:8-17) Song of Solomon 3:1-5 Conceptualize Being together – (3:1) How COVID has affected us
Let's Get Dirty Marriage Series

Revving up the Engine

Song of Solomon 1 Sermon Big Idea:  True love starts in the courting process.  The temptation for sex should be strong because our love is strong.  When we wait it makes the goal that much sweeter. Love songs have memorable words. Complimentary words Words of familiarity Heartfelt words Matthew 12:34 Love songs have a synchronized harmony. Confidence in who God gave you Genesis 2:23 Being together Ecclesiastes 4:12 Love songs paint a moving picture. Pictures of honesty Pictures of desire How COVID has affected us
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