Getting the “W” in an argument

Getting the “W” in an argument

Scripture:  Song of Solomon 5:9-16;6:8-10

Big Idea:  Conflict in marriage is inevitable.  We need to figure out a course of action to work through it so it doesn’t work through us.

  1. Who are we?
    1. James 1:19; Ephesians 4:31
    2. Song of Solomon 5:9-16; 6:8-10
    3. Genesis 2:24
  2. What happened?
    1. John 7:24 NLT
  3. Where do I go for help? 
    1. Song of Solomon 6:1
    2. 1 Corinthians 6:1-7
    3. 2 Timothy 3:16
  4. Will you forgive me?
    1. Matthew 5:9
  5. Why wouldn’t I?
    1. Luke 17:3
    2. Ephesians 4:26-27
    3. Colossians 3:13
  6. Wanna…?
    1. Song of Solomon 7:6-9

Nobody wins in an argument.  A marriage wins when there is resolution.