Posts from October 2024

Posts from October 2024

AI and the Christian Life - Kalkaska Church of Christ Post

aI and the Christian Life

AI Surges into Modern LifeArtificial Intelligence or AI, as it has become better known, has quietly and quickly permeated our daily lives. You find AI embedded into your daily habits, everywhere you turn. It’s in our phones. It’s in our cars. It’s across our homes.  ChatGPT launched AI to the masses in November 2022. Since then a myriad of companies have embraced the technology with their own AI entries. Microsoft has Co-Pilot. Facebook has Meta AI. Google has Gemini. It How COVID has affected us

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As I grew up here in Kalkaska, at least one if not two of my weeks in the summer were spent at church camp.  And I loved church camp!  They would assign us to groups or families.  Each meal we would line our family up and they would decide who got to eat first based on the straightest and quietest line.  And, as a family, we would earn points throughout the week to see who could score the most points.  How COVID has affected us
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“Speak the truth in love, as you grow in your knowledge of God.” – Ephesians 4:15Proverbs 27:17 calls to sharpen and be sharpened – but how abrasive should we be? This verse from Ephesians reminds us that our words should be rooted in truth and delivered with compassion. It’s a delicate balance, but one that is essential for building healthy relationships and fostering a deeper connection with God. Fact or FrictionTruth is the foundation of any healthy relationship. Without honesty, How COVID has affected us
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This week I am teaching the lesson of Naaman to the kids. This was one of my favorite bible stories growing up. I think because one of the “heroes” in the story was a little girl. She spoke up and helped her master find a cure. She was also able to share her faith in a big way, with someone who was very powerful.  The servant girl in the story was never named. And maybe that is a lesson in How COVID has affected us
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D-GROUPS (Discipleship Groups)

This Sunday night we’re taking the youth ministry to the next level by kicking off D-Groups! D-Groups is a weekly discipleship group where our High Schoolers will be circling up and reading the scriptures aloud, then openly discussing what they’ve read. I will have pointed questions prepared to help steer them in the right direction, but I am so excited to see where God steers them through their conversation. This is not a night where they’re coming to hear an adult give a How COVID has affected us
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Our KCC E-News articles over the years have covered a myriad of topics from Godly worship to Christian living to raising children. But when all is said and done, our goal is to point every reader to Jesus, the son of God. Jesus the Christ. Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus, our LORD and Savior. Jesus, the I AM. He is 100% man and 100% God at the same time. The Son of God and the Son of Man.  Jesus, born of a How COVID has affected us
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Well, I did it!  I shouldn’t have, and I wish I had two hours of my life back, but I did it.  I watched the debate.  So many other things I could have done, but I watched the debate.  I even started reading a new book and set it down once the debate started and I should have just kept reading the book.  Ironically, the book was about having a Biblical worldview.  And the difference between a Christian worldview and How COVID has affected us
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It’s September, and yet here we are, planning for Christmas. It might seem a bit early, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s never too soon to prepare for the celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  We often associate Christmas with snow, gifts, and family gatherings. But the true reason for the season is far more profound. It’s about the love of God, manifested in the person of Jesus Christ.“For God so loved the world that How COVID has affected us