Well, I did it! I shouldn’t have, and I wish I had two hours of my life back, but I did it. I watched the debate. So many other things I could have done, but I watched the debate. I even started reading a new book and set it down once the debate started and I should have just kept reading the book. Ironically, the book was about having a Biblical worldview. And the difference between a Christian worldview and a Biblical worldview. And neither view made the debate any better. |

I am going through First and Second Corinthians on the Morning Dive I do each morning. And today we were in chapter five of the first letter. In it, Paul says, “Some of you were once like that. But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” In this part of the letter, Paul calls on this church in Corinth to live like the people of God who were cleansed and saved by the blood of Jesus. That their lives should not reflect the world around them, but instead should reflect Jesus. With a Christian worldview, I watched the debate and was disgusted by abortion spoken of in such a way that an unborn child had no value to the God who created him or her. With a Christian worldview, I was disturbed, by the anger, the lack of civility, and the smearing of each other that took place during the debate. However, with a Biblical worldview, I thought, “I’m not surprised, nor should I expect anything different from people and a country not trying to reflect Jesus, but instead trying to reflect pride, arrogance, power, and HUMAN strength.” A Biblical worldview would tell us that we shouldn’t expect anything different in this world because the Bible told us it would be like this. The Bible tells us that people have a sinful nature and worship idols, are greedy, practice sexual sin, and look to the rest of the world to be the judge. My Christian worldview asks, “How did we get to this place of disunity and dare I say hatred in our wonderful country?” My Biblical worldview says, “Yep, it’s getting worse. Thankfully, we are one day closer to Jesus’ return.” Both views had me shaking my head afterward. I appreciate a dear friend letting me vent about it this morning. I also appreciate my wife letting me vent to her about it this morning. To proceed with joy in my heart this day, I am going to lean on the fact that while the Bible says things will get worse rather than better, in the end, there will be Salvation for those who are in Christ Jesus. One of the many things that bothered me about the debate was that neither candidate would answer a direct question from the moderator. I think that is a good reflection of our world and those who don’t know Jesus. The question is straightforward. “Do you accept that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God?” And how many people dodge the question and make accusations instead of just simply answering the question? In November, the people of our country will decide whether their questions have been answered and vote accordingly. On Judgement Day Jesus will decide whether or not the people of the world have answered appropriately or not. Don’t be discouraged by the disunity and politics of our nation. Jesus is still on his throne and in control. And it’s going to get worse before it is all said and done. Stay faithful and trust Him.Come quickly, Lord Jesus! |