'Missions' Tagged Posts

'Missions' Tagged Posts

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Even the Smallest Person

One of my favorite movie phrases comes from The Lord of the Rings: “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” This resonates with me because Freya was born at less than 4 lbs, she has changed the future of myself, Molly, and many others as well. This is one of the many reasons I love God’s word. It’s filled with stories of ordinary people doing crazy things for God. God can use anybody. God can use YOU. How COVID has affected us
Tanzania, Africa

Todd & Ann Ziems share at KCC

What a refreshing time sharing with Todd & Ann Ziems this past Sunday. The Ziems started Son-International in January 2003 with a heart to share the love of Jesus and provide clean, drinking water for people in Tanzania, Africa. If you missed hearing about their mission work in Tanzania, you can see their talk online either on our website or on our YouTube Channel. The KCC Missions Committee hosted a potluck lunch for the Ziems after worship on Sunday. They How COVID has affected us