A Higher Love

A Higher Love

Sermon Scripture:  Romans 5:1-10

Sermon Big Idea:  An even higher love than a son’s death is the Son’s life.

  1. When hardships come we discover faith (v, 1)
    1. John 20:8 – John saw and believed
  2. When hardships come we discover hope (v. 2-5)
    1. John 18 – Peter denies Jesus
    2. John 21 – Peter is welcomed back and charged by Jesus
    3. Acts 2,3 – Peter boldly preaches the Gospel
  3. When hardships come we discover love (v. 6-8)
    1. Luke 23:39-43 – The thief on the cross
  4. When hardships come we discover life (v. 9-10)
    1. John 20:16-18 Mary Magdalene
    2. Philippians 1:21
    3. Romans 6:4-5 “a resurrection like his.”

Conclusion:  Jesus’ love didn’t stop at dying for our sins.  It continued by resurrecting so we can have eternal life.