Sermons on Crucifixion

Sermons on Crucifixion

The Great Cover Up Sermon Series from March 2024 at the Kalkaska Church of Christ

Easter Sunday – Uncovered

Sermon Series:  The Great Cover-Up Sermon Title:  Uncovered Speaker: Andy Bratton Big Idea:  Satan thought he covered up God’s plan by killing Jesus.  God covered up Satan’s plan, crushing his head in raising the dead. Luke 22:3-6; Psalm 55:12-14; Matthew 26:14-16; John 13:2; 12:4-7; 18:2-3; Luke 22:47-48 Matthew 26:1-5 Matthew 27:13-14,17-19,22-24,27-31 Matthew 4:1-11; John 19:28-30 1 Peter 2:24; Isaiah 53:5; Romans 5:8,10; Colossians 2:14; Romans 3:25; John 10:17-18 The greatest cover-up was God covering up death by uncovering the tomb. How COVID has affected us
Outside In Sermon Series from the Kalkaska Church of Christ

The Mind’s Eye

Sermon Series:  Outside InSermon Title:  The mind’s eyeSermon Scripture: Acts 1:9 Sermon Big Idea: Jesus’ ascension was the ultimate action.  And His ultimate action is to stir our ultimate reaction.  The key word is action. John 19:16-18 Luke 24:1-7 Having experienced the victorious Jesus, what’s next? There is a time for everything except doing nothing.
Hidden Hope Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

The Chairo of Ekkremamai

Luke 18:35-43 Luke 19:1-10 Luke 19:11-27 Luke 19:28-40 Luke 19:41-44 Luke 19:45-48 To have true wisdom we must ekkremamai the words of Jesus with chairo
Happy Easter

A Higher Love

Sermon Scripture:  Romans 5:1-10 Sermon Big Idea:  An even higher love than a son’s death is the Son’s life. When hardships come we discover faith (v, 1) John 20:8 – John saw and believed When hardships come we discover hope (v. 2-5) John 18 – Peter denies Jesus John 21 – Peter is welcomed back and charged by Jesus Acts 2,3 – Peter boldly preaches the Gospel When hardships come we discover love (v. 6-8) Luke 23:39-43 – The thief How COVID has affected us
Life in three words at Kalkaska Church of Christ

He is Risen

John 20:1-10 Peter and John saw and believed. John 20:11-18 Mary Magdalene said, “I have seen.” John 20:19-23 The Disciples, “saw the Lord.” John 20:24-29 Thomas said, “Unless I see.” John 20:30-31 John wrote these words “…so that you…”
Making a Murder

The Appearance

Mark 15:42-16:14 The appearance of the crucifixion is that the story of Jesus’ life was over. The appearance of an empty tomb meant one of three things: Jesus never died Someone stole the body Jesus was resurrected The appearance is that there was only one murder that week. Live your life in the joy of knowing you experienced your own resurrection!
Making a Murder

Weapons of a Master’s Destruction

The weapons used to kill Jesus… Mark 14:63-65 Mark 15:15 Started with a decision of guilt. Mark 14:65 Mark 15:16-20 Moved to a justifiable humiliation. Mark 15:15 Continued to a convincing physical brutality. Mark 15:21-32 Ended with piercing. Isaiah 53:1-9 God created hearts to love, tongues to praise, and hands to serve. An unconvinced sinner uses their heart to judge, their tongue to condemn, and their hands to destroy.
Making a Murder

The Motive

Sermon Scripture:  Mark 14-16 Judas, Caiaphas, and Pilate were the three suspects. Mark 14:10-11 John 18:14; Mark 14:53-55 Mark 15:15 All three had one thing in common:  A heart apart from God. Mark 14:4-5 Mark 14:1-2 John 19:7-8, 12, 15 Power was the motive behind the killing of Jesus. John 11:45-48 Genesis 3:6 Sin was the charge that led to a guilty plea. Romans 6:23 Isaiah 53:4-5 My name is:  ______________________ and I killed Jesus. Isaiah 61:1