Sermons from February 2020

Sermons from February 2020

Life Hacks from James

Standing Tall

Sermon Scripture:  James 5:7-12 Sermon Big Idea:  When we are 100% confident in what lies ahead, we can wait and prepare more thoroughly. Wait with a prophet’s patience. Moses was 80 when called – Acts 7 Moses was 120 when he died Moses’ hope and inheritance were after he died Wait with a prophet’s heart. David called a prophet in Acts 2:30 David was a man after God’s own heart – 1 Samuel 13:14 Fulfill God’s Will – Acts 13:22 How COVID has affected us
Life Hacks from James

A Revolving Gospel

Intro:  2.3 billion square feet of storage rental space.  A $38 billion business. Grows 7.7% annually since 2012.  What it represents is our inability to get rid of stuff and stuff out of circulation. Hoarded riches are God’s blessings out of commission. (v. 1-3) When stuff sits long enough it collects dust. Matthew 6:19-21 What is your heart toward stuff? Hoarded riches lead to oppression and paranoia. (v. 4) What is fair?  Matthew 20 We like to keep people in How COVID has affected us
Life Hacks from James

Live with Anticipation

Sermon Scripture:  James 4 Big Idea:  When we are jealous of others, we judge others.  And instead of being excited about what God will do, we make our own plans. Being someone else means we don’t have you. (v. 1-10) Lucy and Aslan in “Voyage of the Dawntreader” – Proverbs 14:30 “I have never been jealous. Not even when my dad finished fifth grade a year before I did.” – Jeff Foxworthy Don’t mistake judging for loving. (v. 11-12) A How COVID has affected us
Life Hacks from James

The Tail doesn’t wag the human

Sermon Scripture:  James 3 Sermon Big Idea:  Great and awful things are done with the tongue.  But, the tongue is the tool, the speaker is the culprit. Becoming a teacher comes with strict judgment. A restless tongue leads to a reckless life. The operator, not the tool, seeks wisdom. While we shouldn’t all become teachers, we should all desire to become teachers.