Sermons by Andy Bratton (Page 9)

Sermons by Andy Bratton (Page 9)

Unleashed Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

BEING a Christian

Sermon Scripture: Acts 15:1-35 Sermon Big Idea:  Becoming a Christian and being a Christian shouldn’t be two different things.  Surrendering to Jesus makes us a Christian and surrendering to Jesus is what being a Christian is all about. Acts 15:1-11 Becoming a Christian is about grace not law. Ephesians 2:4-7 Exodus 4:24-26 Galatians 2:15-16 Matthew 11:28-30 Acts 15:12-21 Being a Christian is surrendering to the authority of Holy Spirit filled Elders. Galatians 2:11-14 Acts 15:24-26,28-29 Being a Christian is a How COVID has affected us

A Mother’s Determination

Acts 14 Sermon Big Idea:  Paul and Barnabas were not swayed in preaching the gospel, just like a Christian mother is not swayed in training her kids in the way of Jesus. V. 1-7 Paul and Barnabas had a routine, and so did Satan. V. 8-18 Miracles don’t save, the Word of God does. V. 19-23 Satan was persistent, but so were Paul and Barnabas. V. 24-28 A good report is when it is focused on God. Mom’s reflect Jesus How COVID has affected us
Easter Sunday

I am Yours

Acts 12:1-25 Sermon Big Idea:  James and Peter put their lives into the hands of Jesus.  One went to be with Him in eternity, the other was persecuted and then rescued.  Herod tried to take the title from Jesus and drank his own cup. Mark 1:19-20 Mark 3:17 Mark 10:35-39 Acts 12:1-5 1 Corinthians 15:55 James proclaimed the ultimate, “I am yours,” by placing his eternity in the hands of God. Acts 12:6-19 Acts 4:3 Acts 5:18-20 Luke 22:44 Peter’s How COVID has affected us
Unleashed Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

A New Name

Sermon Scripture: Acts 11:19-30 Sermon Big Idea:  Believers were first called Christians because Jesus was a common name, but Christ only belongs to one. Acts 11:19 In Antioch, the Gospel was still spreading broad, but narrow. Acts 11:20-24 In Antioch, God’s grace was on the message and the messenger. Acts 11:25-26 In Antioch, discipleship led to a name change. Acts 11:27-30 In Antioch, Christians realized they belonged to a bigger family. Matthew 21:1-11 We look to the cross as a How COVID has affected us
Unleashed Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

Door or Window?

Sermon Scripture: Acts 11:1-18 Sermon Big Idea:  When God moves we can either be an open door for people to hear the Gospel, or a window in which people can see but never be invited in. Acts 11:1-3 Peter was criticized for being a door to the gentiles to hear the Gospel. Acts 11:4-14 Peter was a window for the Judaizers to see the bigger picture of God’s plan. Acts 11:15-17 Peter dropped the mic by closing the door on How COVID has affected us
Unleashed Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ


Sermon Scripture: Acts 9:32-43 Sermon Big Idea:  The power of Jesus is still active through his disciples. Acts 9:32-43 From one perspective, these stories are about the healing of two faithful witnesses. From another perspective, these stories are about Peter following Jesus’ example. From still another perspective, these stories are about a place where God was disobeyed becoming a place where God will be obeyed and proclaimed. Our perspective: God has called us to be faithful servants. God has called How COVID has affected us
Unleashed Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ


Sermon Scripture: Acts 10 Sermon Big Idea:  The Bible is full of lines drawn that God’s people are not supposed to cross.  Jesus redrew the lines but not by changing the message of the Gospel. Acts 10:1-8 The first vision was an affirmation that Cornelius’ prayers were being heard. Acts 10:9-33 The second vision was for Peter, the leader of the church, to open his eyes to a broader audience. Acts 10:34-48 The third vision is God’s vision for all How COVID has affected us
Unleashed Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

Phase II

Sermon Big Idea:  When it seems as though God is on the run, He is accomplishing what He set out to do. Acts 8:1-3 Sometimes it takes an ending to create a beginning. Acts 8:4-25 The church was scattered, but so was the Gospel. Magic had people amazed, the Gospel had people saved. Acts 8:26-40 The Gospel shared with one was the Gospel shared with a nation. Acts 1:8 The witnesses were on the move by the power of the How COVID has affected us
Unleashed Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

To Die is Gain

Sermon Scripture: Acts 6:8-7:60 Sermon Big Idea:  Surrendering your life to Jesus means surrendering it ALL. Hebrews 11:35b-40 Acts 6:8-9 Being full of the Holy Spirit doesn’t take you off Satan’s radar. Acts 6:10-15 When people’s beliefs are threatened, they go a long way to defend. Stephen used familiar stories to defend Jesus. Acts 7:51-53 Acts 7:54-60 Many stories like Stephen’s end in tragedy, but the fight goes on. Stories of martyrdom give us a whole new perspective on the How COVID has affected us