Sermons by Andy Bratton (Page 38)

Sermons by Andy Bratton (Page 38)

The Entrance of the King

Scripture:  Mark 11:1-19 The King is welcomed in The King cleanses The King establishes Lordship The King is feared and worshiped The second step in the Exit Strategy is the entrance of Jesus as King!

The Entrance of Light

Mark 10:46-52 Bartimaeus was trapped In the dark Bartimaeus was lost in an environment without relief Bartimaeus had hope because of what he heard Bartimaeus exited his trap by receiving the light The exit from darkness is made possible by the entrance of light.
Family Matters Sermon Series

Emotionally Charged

Mark 10:32-45 Following Jesus causes mixed emotions. Philippians 1 – Paul is filled with joy in chains Mark 4 the disciples are scared if a guy came in casting out a demon how would you feel? James and John showed courage. They ask for an answer before they ask the question They ask for it all They look Jesus in the eye and say, “yes, I can take it.” The other 10 showed anger. 1 Corinthians 13:4 – love is How COVID has affected us
Family Matters Sermon Series

Giving it all Away

Mark 10:17-31 The defining question The defining statement The defining response The defining promise Our response to the defining statement is exposed in our action! Pick your retirement plan Live with open hands Announce your answer with your actions Never forget God’s promise
Family Matters Sermon Series

A Growing Family

Mark 10:13-16 Followers of Jesus trusted Jesus Disciples were trying to protect Jesus Jesus saw their concern as an obstacle Jesus taught the Disciples how to be followers God wants to adopt more children.  As followers, let’s bring them to Jesus. Place your trust in Him Lay down judgement Ask questions Nothing held back
Family Matters Sermon Series

Trapping Jesus

Mark 10:1-12   The Pharisees tried to trap Jesus The Pharisees had hard hearts Jesus trapped the Pharisees Jesus opened the book on commitment With a hard heart we try to trap Jesus, while He gladly resides in a committed heart. Put Christ first Lay down your idols An open book marriage Needs to be met
Family Matters Sermon Series

Taking the “Sin” out of Blessing

Scripture:  Mark 9:42-50 Children are a blessing Children are a responsibility Our bodies are a blessing Our bodies are a responsibility Irresponsibility with God’s blessing brings an eternal curse Prayer and God’s Word List the things you want your kids to learn Action Never miss a teaching opportunity

The Ultimate UnSelfie

Mark 9:30-37 Jesus teaches the Disciples – 9:30-32 Jesus defines himself Jesus defines his role Jesus defines his victory What did the Disciples not understand? – 9:33-37 True greatness True humility True acceptance Greatness is defined at the cross!