IDES pack assembles over 50,000 meals!

IDES pack assembles over 50,000 meals!

A giant THANK YOU goes out to the approximately 80 individuals who participated in the IDES pack. The initial goal had been to assemble 50,000 packs, and this goal was not only met but exceeded, with a total of 50,112 packs boxed for potential shipment to the Philippines.

The contributions from fish banks, donations from other churches, and proceeds from shirt sales (some still available at $10 each) collectively amounted to over $3,000! It was apparent that everyone had a good time, with many participants feeling quite exhausted. Once again, heartfelt thanks are extended to those who dedicated their time to serve people they had never met before. Some mentioned that it was their first time, but they expressed their intention to return, having thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

The event featured abundant and delicious food. Until next year, dear friends, the group looks forward to doing it all over again, perhaps at a slightly slower pace. They found comfort in the thought that Big Mike Steere was watching over them that day, and his smile was evident among them. This event was a tribute to him.