Summer is here!! Or is it? Several weeks ago, we had a few days in the 90’s and it felt like summer was FINALLY here. Then, the temperature dropped ,and we had to turn our heat back on. We’ve just come off another spell of 90-degree weather, summer seemingly here once again. But alas, the weather is dipping again! I’m sure we all can agree that summer needs to make up its mind. Let’s be honest, we all want Summer to come and stay! Whether it’s for a few days or an entire season, we all know that summer will eventually rear it’s head. Unfortunately, we also know it will then inevitably go.
In the KJV translation of the Bible, the phrase “it came to pass” is mentioned nearly four hundred times! Think about that. It came to pass. It didn’t come to stay; it came to pass. I may be taking this phrase out of context but the phrase itself has some profound implications. The seasons we go through in this life are only temporary. They aren’t permanent; in fact, our very lives are temporary. If we are struggling, going through a stressful and discouraging time, let us take courage for “it came to pass.” Are you having a good year; are things going well for you? Hold on, “it will pass.”
Whether it’s good or bad, winter or summer, sickness or health… the times we have in this life are only for a season. Nothing is permanent outside of God and His love for each and every one of us. In the good times let us remember who it is that blessed us with “every good and perfect gift.” When times are rough and we are struggling, let us hold unswervingly to the never-changing God who loves us and will give us the strength to see things through.
So, before it passes….Let us enjoy summer!!!