Posts from February 2022

Posts from February 2022

Snowy tree at Kalkaska Church of Christ

Who Are You?

Did you ever have an interaction with someone you thought you knew well only to stop and ask yourself, “who are you?”  Maybe your spouse picks a restaurant for you both to go eat at and it is a kind of food you had no idea your spouse liked.  Maybe your spouse volunteers to do something completely apart from who he/she normally is like a long hike or skydiving.  What does it really mean to know someone? During the morning dive, How COVID has affected us


Are you carrying around heavy burdens? Do you stress about things that are out of your control? We are told explicitly over and over in the bible not to do that…Do you know who struggles with obedience in that??? ME! I know better! I’m not sure why my little human brain can’t remember that..but I believe it is pride. I think that I can fix things. That I can carry burdens for others…in short I think I can do what How COVID has affected us
What is love?

What is Love?

I love (fill in the blank). From pizza to puppies, movies to music, sand to sandwiches; our world is overflowing with things we “love”. In addition to loving so many things, our world is filled with a longing to be loved individually. Regardless of how many things or how many people we surround ourselves with, that longing for “true love” never seems quenched.  Think back on the wedding scene from the AMAZING movie The Princess Bride. The Priest, standing up proclaiming “Wuv, True Wuv, Will How COVID has affected us
Snowy tree at Kalkaska Church of Christ

The Mundane Days of Life

Groundhog Day is today! February 2, 20222. Which makes it 2/2/22 by the way. Punxsutawney Phil did see his shadow today which means 6 more weeks of winter. That is no surprise to us living in Northern Michigan! We usually don’t wrap up winter until sometime in April!  Have you seen the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray? Bill plays a self-centered Pittsburgh weatherman who becomes trapped into living out the same day again and again with no explanation. It’s a great movie and How COVID has affected us