The Mundane Days of Life

The Mundane Days of Life

Groundhog Day is today! February 2, 20222. Which makes it 2/2/22 by the way. Punxsutawney Phil did see his shadow today which means 6 more weeks of winter. That is no surprise to us living in Northern Michigan! We usually don’t wrap up winter until sometime in April! 

Bill Murray in Groundhog Day

Have you seen the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray? Bill plays a self-centered Pittsburgh weatherman who becomes trapped into living out the same day again and again with no explanation. It’s a great movie and also stars Andie MacDowell. I highly recommend it. Other movies like “Happy Death Day,” “50 First Dates,” and “Edge of Tomorrow” have tried to duplicate the “live-the-same-day-over-again” theme, but none have done it as well. 

There are special moments in our lives that stick out like vacations, birthdays, weddings, the birth of a child, baptisms, etc. But for the most part, we live most days just like every other. We live our lives in our own personal “Groundhog Day.” We rise to an alarm, wash up, get dressed, and head out to work. We drive the same vehicle, along the same route, passing the same people. Our work may vary, but it’s the same work with the same people, at the same place. The evening routine may vary, but it’s still very similar each day with family, home, and bedtime routine. 

When we look at scripture, we read about spectacular events like Moses parting the Red Sea, David killing Goliath, and Elijah being taken up to heaven in a flaming chariot. Yet surrounding all those amazing events, those in the Bible lived mundane lives just like you and men.

  • Moses spent 40 years in the desert before God called Him.
  • Elisha grew up a farmer prior to becoming God’s prophet.
  • John the Baptist lived in anonymity out in the desert before preaching.
  • For about 30 years Jesus “grew in stature and wisdom and in favor with God and men” living a mundane life in Palestine. 

While we may feel we live a day-after-day loop, those days are never really the same. Our bodies are different. The people we interact with are different. We all experience life events that change our minds, moods, and behavior. 

Just like the movie Groundhog Day, we have the opportunity to make the next 24 hours whatever we want it to be. We can choose to be pessimistic, angry, introverted, and just a down-right pain to people. Or we can choose to have a positive outlook, smile, encourage other people, and basically love them. It’s a choice we make every single morning. 

I love this quote . . .

“Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and 

you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; 

sow a character and you reap a destiny.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

The sowing we do takes place every day, over and over. Ultimately our destiny is decided by the daily decisions we make. Are you choosing to be faithful, joyful, and loving? Do you forgive, serve, and pour yourself out to others? Or are you choosing selfishness, hatred, and revenge? Are you jealous, prideful, and spiteful? How would you rate yourself? 

The choice is up to you – today and every day!