When is the last time you were in absolute silence? The world today is full of noise. From 24 hour news, to internet at our fingertips, it is hard to find a moment of pure, unpolluted silence. I’m going to challenge all of you to spend an hour in silence with God this week.
Thursday at Octane I will be doing that with our 4th and 5th graders. Imagine how much easier this exercise will be for you! I am worried because I am also taking this challenge and will be teaching and leading in silence. At first, I was worried about it, and now I am eagerly awaiting it.

We will be spending the first 30 minutes in silent prayer. We will have the lights down and it will be silent. Have you ever committed an hour to prayer? I’ve done this a few times and although I have a TON of things to pray for and to thank God for, sometimes our minds can wander. I’ve used guides from the internet or just made up my own to break the time up into categories. The kids will be spending about 90 seconds on 20 different prompts for prayer.
We will also be spending time journaling and reading scripture. Sometimes I think we all just need a break from all of the noise of the world to focus on the peace from God. Philippians 4:6&7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” I don’t know about you…but I could use a peace like that right now!