Bold Dreams

Bold Dreams

Sermon Scripture:  Romans 8:12-39; Matthew 25:14-30

  1. A new beginning comes with new decisions. (v. 12-14)
    1. To listen to sinful nature or to not
    2. Who you follow is as important as who you lead
  2. A new beginning comes with new fears. (v. 15-17)
    1. No need to fear
    2. We are God’s children
  3. A new beginning comes with new dreams. (v. 18-25)
    1. Wait and work eagerly
    2. Adopted into God’s family
  4. A new beginning comes with the same promises. (v. 26-39)
    1. God is for us
    2. Who can be against us
    3. Nothing can separate you from God’s love
    4. To live is Christ, to die is gain

As we accept our talents and live, may we be bold in our decisions, willing to suffer for Christ, and dream big, all for God’s glory, until Jesus comes again.

God's Way