Wait but don’t wait

Wait but don’t wait

Sermon Scripture:  1 Corinthians 7:6-9, Matthew 19:11-12, 1 Timothy 5:1-16

The bedroom for singles is a construction zone in which only the owner is allowed.  Singleness can be freeing but also discouraging.  Wait, don’t “awaken love until it pleases.”  But, don’t wait to be who God created you to be.

What the Bible says about being single…

  1. 1 Corinthians 7:7-8
    1. It’s good
    2. Be as Paul was
  2. Matthew 19:10-12
    1. Marriage isn’t God’s plan for everyone
    2. Better to stay single than become single because of man’s sin
  3. 1 Timothy 5:1-16
    1. Priority is on being who God made you to be
    2. Older singles should counsel younger singles
    3. Younger singles should marry instead of giving in to their passions

For single people with marriage ahead of them…

  1. Song of Solomon 2:7 – Be patient
  2. Genesis 2, Ephesians 5 – Ladies find a man who will provide, protect, and pave the way to Jesus.  Guys, look for the lady you would lay down your life for.
  3. Parents of these singles, vet the boyfriend and girlfriend.
  4. Singles, make sure your faith community has a chance to chime in.
  5. Hebrews 13:4 – Don’t have sex before marriage!

For divorced people…

  1. If you plan on re-marrying, see the steps above.
  2. If you plan on staying single, be married to Jesus.
  3. While waiting to decide, don’t wait to serve Jesus.

For widows and widowers…

  1. If you plan on re-marrying, see the steps above.
  2. If you plan on remaining single, be married to Jesus.
  3. Counsel the younger couples.  Be mentors
  4. If your passion is too much to resist, re-marry.

In all situations, wait on God for his leading, but don’t wait to do the work of God.