Sermons on Faith

Sermons on Faith

Through New Eyes Sermon Series - Kalkaska Church of Christ

Beware, Care, and Prayer

Sermon Series:  Through New Eyes Sermon Title: Beware, Care, and Prayer Sermon Scripture: Matthew 16 Speaker: Andy Bratton Big Idea:  The election can be a distraction from the most important thing in life and that is following Jesus.  Don’t miss who He is in the midst of deciding who you are. Matthew 16:1-4 Matthew 16:5-12 Matthew 16:13-20 Matthew 16:21-23 Matthew 16:24-28 Daniel 7:13-14 We are and always will be under the authority of Jesus, the one true King!
A Guide to Greatness Sermon Series from the Kalkaska Church of Christ

The Path to Greatness is FAITH

Speaker: Joe Heins, Executive Director of the Woodburn Christian Children’s Home in Indiana. Woodburn is one of over a dozen missions supported by KCC each month. Mark 1:14-15Mark 1:1Hebrews 11:1 James 2:18Romans 12:2
Unleashed Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

Good Enough

Sermon Scripture: Acts 26 Sermon Big Idea:  Paul’s enemies and judges settled for good enough for the sake of unsettled peace.  Paul tried to express his similarities and the light that exposed the continued path. Acts 26:4-8 Paul expressed his same beliefs as his accusers. Acts 26:9-11 Paul expressed his same disbelief in Jesus as his accusers. Acts 26:12-18 Paul expressed his moment of clarity he was trying to share with his accusers. Acts 26:19-31 Paul expressed how the law How COVID has affected us
Unleashed Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

Be Complete

 Acts 19:1-20 Sermon Big Idea:  Jesus came to fulfill the law and the prophets.  Without Him, teaching, life, and eternity are incomplete.  Things are better with Jesus. Acts 19:1-7 Complete faith is unity with Jesus. Acts 19:8-10 Complete faith is bold. Acts 19:11-20 Complete faith is full knowledge of Jesus. Everything is complete and better with Jesus!
Unleashed Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

What are you looking for?

Sermon Scripture: Acts 1:1-11 Sermon Big Idea:  Do you have enough proof that Jesus is alive?  At some point we have to stop being in awe and get to work. Luke 24:38-43 Acts 1:1-3 The disciples were still looking for proof. Acts 1:4-5 Jesus gave them one more instruction for proof. Luke 3:16 John 16:7-11 John 16:12-15 Acts 1:6-8 Jesus sent the disciples to be proof of Him to the world. Matthew 28:18-20 Acts 1:9-11 The angels wanted to know How COVID has affected us
Hopeless Hopeful and THE Hope sermon series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

The Eternal Three

Sermon Big Idea:  Will we be found faithful when given a difficult task?  Will we do the task in love?  Faith exists eternally, love exists eternally, and so does hope. Hebrews 11:1 Luke 1:1-4 (NLT) Luke is giving a faithful, love filled report. Luke 1:5-79 (NLT) Gabriel gave a love filled message to faithful servants of God. Mary and Zechariah prophesied about God’s love and faithfulness 1 Corinthians 13:13
It's Time Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

2 Sermons 1 Goal

Sermon Scripture:  John 4:43-54; Exodus 18:21; Mark 6:40 Sermon Big Idea:  A disciple stops looking for a sign and simply believes in Jesus. Sermon 1 Matthew 28:19-20a John 4:43-54 What’s the point? Jesus is intentional Jesus has compassion A disciple stops looking and starts believing. Sermon 2 Exodus 18:21 Mark 6:40 Effectiveness of a church=more people journeying with Jesus The equation of more people journeying with Jesus is: You and I delivering to people what we get from Jesus You How COVID has affected us
The Fight Within Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

A Twisted Truth

Job 1:1-2:10 Job was a man with actionable faith. (1:1-5) Feared and turned – Proverbs 1:7 Proactive on behalf of his kids – Proverbs 22:6 Satan questioned Job’s faith and God’s knowledge. (1:6-12) Who is Satan? Adversary and slanderer Genesis 3:1-5 – crafty tempter 1 Peter 5:8 – devours Acts 5:3 – “takes over hearts” What does he get to do? Job’s faith in and knowledge of God both increased. (1:13-22) Worshiped – James 4:7 He learned the Lord gives How COVID has affected us
Life Hacks from James

Saving Faith

Saving faith is… An attentive faith (1:19-21) An actionable faith (1:22-25) An unstained faith (1:26-27) A living faith (2:14-26) True faith is putting our life where our mouth is.

One Prophecy

A pause with a purpose The first 7 celebrated a complete community (5:1-8:5) Covenant Community Those persecuted The washed The second 7 was a warning to those who don’t believe (8:6-11:19) They rejected power They rejected prophecy The result was experiencing God’s wrath The third 7 was encouragement to be prepared (15-16) The blame game Accepting Jesus is being saved by Jesus and prepared for Jesus.