Messages (Page 42)

Messages (Page 42)

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The Original Model is still the Best

Jesus 1.0 is still the best version to utilize.  (Proverbs 27:17) Jesus 1.0 taught us to glorify God and live as a light.  (Matthew 5:14-16) Jesus 1.0 spent time with committed and hope seeking people (Matthew 9:10-13) Jesus 1.0 shared a lot of meals.  (Matthew 26:26-28) Jesus 1.0 modeled and taught prayer.  (Matthew 6:5-13; Matthew 26:36,39) Church 1.0 grew using the original model.  (Acts 2:42) Read, Risk, Remember, Release:  Repeat This week’s 3:30 Journey Challenge The Spiritual Discipline of Discipleship How COVID has affected us

Hand, foot, and mouth disease

The 3:30 Journey John 3:30 – “He must become greater, I must become less.” Exercise a Spiritual discipline 3 times per week for 30 minutes. The journey starts with realizing we can’t hear God through the noise. 1 Kings 19:12 – Elijah heard God in the whisper Psalm 46:10 – “Be still and know that I am God.” Prayer is tuning the world out so you can be tuned in to God Matthew 6:5-6 – Pray in your quiet place How COVID has affected us

Four Things to Learn

John 20:1-10 When you stand at a distance, you cannot see the same as the person who stands inside. There’s a difference, lots of difference, between almost and completely arriving. There are those who know how to run. There are those who know how to arrive. Almost finishing doesn’t get the victory.

The Pants Nobody Wants to Wear

2 Kings 5:1-15 Naaman was a man of great power The Jewish slaves taken in war were powerless Naaman was a man of great possessions Jewish slaves only possessed what was in their heart and mind Naaman was a man of great pride The Jewish slaves took pride in who they served   The power of God comes in one size, and it fits all

Send Me

Matthew 28:19,20 Who did Jesus commission to go make disciples of all nations? Who put Jesus on the cross? Why did Jesus suffer and die? God is asking, “Who shall I send?” and “Who will go?” What is our answer?

What Did I Do Wrong?

Big Idea:  Keep giving them Jesus Luke 15:1-7 Give them Jesus Own the reality Luke 15:8-10 Stay faithful Luke 15:11-32 Pray like crazy! Eagerly await their return Live it up when they come home Giving them Jesus is living and sharing the Gospel

Seeing the Snake

Proverbs 22:6 Know the Way – Broad is the road that leads to Destruction Narrow is the road that leads to Life Go the Way – Children are more likely to follow your Example Show the Way – Do not turn to the Right or to the Left Keep your foot from Evil “Bar-Mitzvah” “Bar” means Son “Mitzvah” means Commandment


Proverbs 3:1-12 Trust in the Lord is giving over control. Leaning on his understanding is listening to an alternate voice. Acknowledging Him as Lord is deleting ourselves from that position.   How to keep the right vision from leaving you… Control what goes in – (2 Timothy 3:16-17) Cry out to the alternate voice – (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) Delete the bad influences from your life – (Hebrews 10:24-25)

A Father’s Vision

A father gives good gifts (Matthew 7:7-11) A father has compassion (Psalm 103:11-13) A father disciplines (Hebrews 12:7-11) A father provides stability (Ephesians 5:25) A father has a clear vision for his child’s eternity