I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God! I know when we hear that, we may think of our little KCC family, but we have soooo many brothers and sisters in Christ that we haven’t even met yet! I’ve been blessed to meet some of them in my travels. Sometimes, when we are traveling, our schedules don’t work out finding a church to attend, or it’s hard to find a church that follows the Bible… Yes, that’s what I said… hard to find a church that follows the Bible. 😬. On those occasions, I’m thankful that I can watch our service online.
This Sunday, I was blessed to attend KCC…Kaimuki Christian Church in Waikiki! We walked in and were welcomed by several members. One of them told us that Brother Nofo would be preaching today. We were given name tags and shown into the sanctuary. A woman greeted me and handed me a beautiful handmade pocket calendar. As we entered the sanctuary and to our seats (right on time), we began to sing. I noticed that there weren’t many people and wondered why they had 3 services. During the first song and into the 2nd song, LOTS of people came in and found their seats. I had to laugh… it reminded me of our KCC and all the coffee and socializing that takes place in the lobby.
We then had announcements and I learned that the minister had to have emergency eye surgery. So the Men’s Ministry leader stepped in at the last minute to preach. He apologized for being the 2nd string and prayed for the Holy Spirit to aid him in the sermon. His sermon was powerful! It was about watching out for false teachers. This is so timely! There are so many churches that are going away from God’s Word and trying to be popular with the World. While searching for churches to attend on vacation, unfortunately, I ran into this a lot. Many advertised things that were against what the Bible teaches. That can make things tricky, but a little research and a quick phone call help tremendously.
We have been so blessed over the years to find some great brothers and sisters at other churches. While driving to the Grand Canyon several years ago, we broke down in our motorhome and were stranded in New Mexico. I researched churches and found one. After more research and a lil’ Facebook detective work, I realized that the youth minister was friends and went to Bible College with one of my high school best friends! We went and he wasn’t there, but we met some LOVELY people, who invited us for lunch and even let us use their showers! We are STILL friends on Facebook! God is so big and so good! While visiting my in-laws in Florida, we found a sweet church that sent us cards from the children’s ministry! How special to have met some of my future roommates in Heaven! I pray that people feel welcome and loved when they walk into KCC, and I’m thankful for feeling right at home when we are traveling. God’s family is filled with some pretty great people and I’m blessed to be part of this family!