Even the Smallest Person

Even the Smallest Person

One of my favorite movie phrases comes from The Lord of the Rings: “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” This resonates with me because Freya was born at less than 4 lbs, she has changed the future of myself, Molly, and many others as well.
This is one of the many reasons I love God’s word. It’s filled with stories of ordinary people doing crazy things for God. God can use anybody. God can use YOU. You don’t have to be a top athlete, a straight-A student, skilled speaker, or the best singer in your church to be used by God. God uses the regular, imperfect people of the bible to accomplish several good works in His name. He wants to use you. Look at the story of Rahab; she was a prostitute. Ruth was a Moabite; a direct enemy of Israel. Moses had a speech impediment… I could go on and on and ON! We sometimes put these “Heroes of the Bible” on a pedestal and forget that they were human too. We convince ourselves that we have nothing to offer. How could God use me? Why would God use me when there are so many better options? This couldn’t be further from reality and the Bible proves that. You have something to offer.

The FACT that God used the shunned, the outcast, and the forgotten, cannot be refuted. It’s right there in the pages of His Holy Word. What can we take from this truth? Find comfort in knowing He loves you no matter your backstory. You are never ‘too far gone’ to be saved. Thinking that way puts limits on God and the sacrifice of His Son Jesus on the Cross. His death covers it ALL. Repent and be used to further His kingdom. When the world is ready to write someone off, God swoops in and says, “I want you”. We have worth. We can accomplish so much through Christ, if only we would let Him use us. We need to trust His words instead of our waning confidence. The world wants to tear us down. It wants to diminish God’s glory and ability. Don’t buy into these lies. No matter what your backstory is, what flaws you carry with you, or what gifts you may (or may not) have… God can and WILL use you for His glory and His kingdom. He wants to.

We just returned from our high school mission trip to the Dominican Republic (literally just hours before writing this). We saw God move in tremendous ways. He was using regular people like me and you to spread His Word to countless communities. All it takes is a willing heart to follow where God leads and letting Him do the rest. I could go on and on about our trip and the things we did and how God used our youth to impact others but I’ll leave you with just one last thing. It doesn’t matter who you are, what your talents are, whether you speak English or Spanish. God is waiting, willing and eager, to use anyone and everyone who is willing to follow His lead to change the course of the future.