Yes, the students are back in school. The teachers and admin folks are back in school (and that group has probably been back for a couple of weeks). And, yes, our discipleship programs are back and getting ready to kick off (have you signed up yet?). So, let’s look at a comeback story in the Bible.
In the book of Exodus, chapter 2, we read that Moses was born, his mother hid him in a basket by the Nile river, and Pharaoh’s daughter “found” him and raised him as her own son. Several years later (40 or so), Moses went out to check on his Hebrew brethren and saw an Egyptian abusing one, and he stepped in and killed the Egyptian. The next day, he went out and saw two Hebrew men fighting and he stepped in. He discovered his secret about killing the Egyptian was exposed, so he fled to Midian.
While in Midian, Moses raised sheep and found himself on Mt. Moriah, or Mt. Sinai, when God spoke to him by way of a burning bush. God told Moses to go back to Egypt and rescue the people of Israel. This was 40 years after he left. You can understand his hesitation, in that he probably still had his poster on the post office bulletin board as Egypt’s most wanted. Reluctantly, Moses went back to Egypt.
While in Egypt, Moses told a new Pharaoh to let God’s people go. Pharaoh refused, God sent 10 plagues, and the Israelites departed Egypt. What can we learn about Moses’ coming back to Egypt?
Number one, it was God’s plan for Moses to go back and rescue Israel. There are many people who don’t consider church or discipleship programs at the church to be necessary for their faith. And no, the Bible does not say, “if you believe, repent, go to church every Sunday, and every program the church offers, and get baptized, you will be saved.” But the Bible does teach us about sharpening each other (Proverbs 27:17). It does say not to give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing (Hebrews 10:25). And the model of the first church was that people were meeting daily and devoting themselves to the Apostles’ teaching, breaking of bread, prayer, and fellowship (Acts 2:42-47). We can’t dismiss the importance of the church in the life of a Christian. God’s plan is for us to be believers that live life together. If you aren’t back to church, yet. Come on back. We’d love to see you again.
Secondly, Moses followed God’s instructions. We know that Moses didn’t really want to go back. He wasn’t going to wing it. He was going to do exactly what God instructed him to do. If for no other reason, than to prove to God that He was wrong.
1 Peter 3:15 tells us to always be prepared to give an answer for the faith we have if we are asked or challenged about it. Psalm 119:105 says, “Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Not only does God’s Word give us an explanation for the faith we have, but it illuminates the path we are to take as we follow His Words. We have God’s words to follow. We also have the luxury of being able to read the words God had for Moses and other Bible “greats.” The fall is a great time to make a comeback into God’s Word. Maybe you put it on the shelf for the summer. Maybe you haven’t pulled it out all year. Now is the time.
Lastly, while it took a while for him to get there, Moses became bold about expressing who God is, what God called him to do, and obeying God. We all need to start being bolder about our faith.
I went to visit a friend yesterday in the hospital. She is 87 years old and her cancer is back. She told me, “Andy, I’m telling everyone here when they come in about the Lord. They don’t all want to hear it, but I’m telling them anyway.” I was both excited and convicted at the same time.
Fall is a time of being back. Football is back, school is back in session, church programs are starting back, and pretty soon we’ll even turn the clocks back. What do you need to get back to doing?
As Moses obeyed God, he witnessed God do some amazing things. Imagine the transformation that would take place if we all followed God’s plan and His Word boldly.