Well, as I sit here in my office on Tuesday afternoon, I am looking out my window and the snow is coming down. And I don’t mean coming down a little bit, but pouring down like God turned on a spigot or snow making machine in Heaven. This is the kind of snow that solidifies for people that, “yes, we should go south for the winter.” The kind of snow that says, “see you later, fall, winter is moving in early.”
And, as I look at the snow, I am overcome with the feeling that it has started and won’t stop until May. I want to feel sad that summer is over and fall barely got to exist. I want to feel empty that I will spend many evenings blanketed up on the couch after work because of the darkness that starts at 4:30.
But, who do I think I am? I just finished having lunch with twenty wonderful people at our monthly Lunch Bunch. In a couple of short hours I have eleven people coming over for life group to have a meal and study God’s Word together. Sunday evening we are going to just kick back and have a game night with all of you.
More importantly, as I look at snow showering down outside of my window, I am reminded that God is gracious and showers me with blessings every single day. From my wife to my sons to my church family to food on the table to a roof over my head, God is good!
It is a reminder of Psalm 23 (NLT), “The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams.”
I think in our world people make a point to observe what we don’t have as opposed to what God does bless us with. In Philippians four Paul talks about contentment, and in verse 19 says, “And my God will provide all of your needs according to his riches in glory.”
I was hoping by the time I finished typing this that the snow would be gone and the sun would be shining. But, it’s okay. Because I know the bad weather will stop at some point. Until it does, whether that be tomorrow or in six months, I will still praise the Lord. Because He reminds me of his goodness often and it out showers the snow every time.