The Eye of the Storm

The Eye of the Storm

I have never liked storms. As a child, I would wake up during thunderstorms and go get into bed with my sister. I am trying to be more grown-up about storms, but I still don’t love them like some people. I know some people that REALLY like storms. My husband loves to go drive out to the water and watch a storm come through. But even lovers of storms, don’t love life storms. I don’t know anyone who likes storms in their lives. Uncertainty, chaos, stress, and anxiety are side effects of life storms.

No One Likes Life Storms

In a tornado, you hear about the eye of the storm. About how it is eerily quiet and peaceful. I believe I am currently in the eye of a life storm. Leading up to this month, I was consumed with planning. I had a graduation, an all-night party, an open house, a quick out-of-state weekend, and VBS planning. I was STRESSED…or so I thought.

2 weeks ago one of my dearest friends was diagnosed with glioblastoma. It is a cancerous brain tumor and it was a shock. I couldn’t process that this was happening to my friend! It wasn’t fair and it wasn’t right and I was grieving this devastating news. My kids at church prayed with me while I cried telling them about my friend. 

I went to the hospital to pray with my friend and they rushed her back to surgery. I was in shock. I sat at the hospital and prayed. I called on prayer warriors to pray. She got through the surgery! I went to see her a couple of days later and I prayed over her like I’ve never prayed for anyone. I prayed boldly. I asked God to heal her in Jesus’ name. I wonder why I don’t usually pray like that. I usually pray for Gods’ will, or for comfort, or peace, but this time I prayed for a miracle! YOU GUYS!!! GUESS WHAT!?! He gave me a miracle! My friends tumor was removed and the doctors were so pleased with how well everything went!! I was able to tell my kids at church the great news! How AWESOME is our God? That in one weeks time I could share an answered prayer with them! 

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I need a good dose of perspective and this was exactly that. I was no longer worried about plans or VBS, or details or really anything. I was filled with a peace that passes ALL understanding. So here we are in the middle of VBS week and I am calm. I’m not stressed, I’m praising God! 
I know that I will have more storms in my life. I realize that I very well could be in the eye of the storm right now. My boys are both flying the nest next month, there are a lot of things coming up on the calendar. But I know that God is with me. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 saysWe are pushed hard from all sides. But we are not beaten down. We are bewildered. But that doesn’t make us lose hope. 9 Others make us suffer. But God does not desert us. We are knocked down. But we are not knocked out.

I am so very thankful for God’s promises and his word and his friendship! Without him, I would not know how to get back up after life storms!