Last week was my first full week with kids. I had them Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday. My passion for my job was rekindled and I was reminded why Jesus told us to become more like children. I taught them 3 different lessons from the Bible. They taught me several.

On Sunday, I taught on the unforgiving servant. It was a great reminder about how because Jesus first forgave us, that we too must forgive others. Later on in the week I had a friend who was struggling with forgiveness reach out and tell me that they were ready to forgive. I was reminded about how God gives me the lessons and verses at the very time I would need them. I was also reminded by one of my very excited kids, who had received a new bible for Christmas, that we should ALWAYS go to God’s word to verify things. If someone tells you something is in the bible, make them show you where! Children have an amazing curiosity that I want to have. Always search, always learn.
Wednesday we started a lesson on The Armor of God. I am so happy to help equip these kids with the armor that they will need to navigate through life. God gives us all of the tools we need. I was so happy to see so many kids here. It brought me true joy. One little girl stopped what she was doing and said, “Miss Sara, This is more fun than my snowmobile!” I’ll take that!Thursday I was met with an almost full bus and a very full heart. All of the kids were so thankful and polite all week, and so resilient. While all of the adults have been busy debating this thing or the other, these kids were simply living their lives. I had one boy come late on Thursday. He missed snack. I went to talk to his mom and she said he just wants to be at Octane. His grandpa has health issues, and they have to be very careful, so he willingly misses snack every week so he can come and keep his mask on to keep his grandpa safe. What a beautiful gesture of love!
These kids taught me so much this week, and I cannot forget that they taught me to have fun! One of my favorite boys challenged me to race him on Sunday and man did we race! He won every time…I’m convinced that kid shoes are Much faster than grown up shoes! While I was exhausted from running around I had that amazingly childlike carefree attitude that you can only get from hanging out with kids! So, to all of the KCC Kids this week, THANK YOU!!!
Matthew 18:3 “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”