What brings you hope? Hope is something that is personal yet can also be universal. Some items that bring you hope could cause the next person anxiety. For example, if you finally decided to take charge of your finances, balancing your checkbook could be a source of hope and stability. While those who are struggling with financial discipline could find the sight of a checkbook and an anxiety-inducing tool.
The same goes for the bathroom scale. If you are struggling with your weight and your health, facing the scale every morning could be an unwelcome chore. But if you have decided to take control of your health and make healthy choices, the scale could become a source of great happiness and excitement.
Having measures of our progress or lack of progress is important. Having tools to use to achieve your goals is helpful. How is your spiritual walk? Do you have hope in the Lord? I hope that you are using the tool we all have to measure that. The bible is our tool for our spiritual walk and a never-ending supply of hope!
If you are feeling hopeless or lost, turn to God’s word. Jeremiah 17:7 and 8 says,
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
When you put your hope in the Lord, you will be like that tree. You will have a supply of hope and you will not fear. Let’s all go into this new year with the confidence of where our hope comes from!