The Weightiness of the Wait

The Weightiness of the Wait

Isaiah 53:5

  1. Jesus was worth the wait.
    1. Because of God’s promises. Genesis 12:3
    2. Because the law of God was overwhelming. Leviticus 27:34
    3. Because Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law. Galatians 3:10-14
  2. We are worth the weight.
    1. He wants to dwell with us. Exodus 25:8
    2. He wants to save us. John 3:16-17
    3. He loves us. Romans 5:8
  3. The weight of the wait.
    1. Go and tell. Matthew 28:19-20a
    2. Go and help. Matthew 25:40
    3. Go and meet. Hebrews 10:25

When weight is dispersed among many, the load is lighter and easier to bare.