- A father’s deceit and favoritism brought pain and suffering. (Gen. 37:3-4)
- Jealousy brought pain and suffering. (Gen. 37:28)
- Physical desire and lies brought pain and suffering. (Gen. 39:6b-7)
- A bad memory caused pain and suffering. (Gen. 40:23)
- Lack of vision caused pain and suffering. (Gen. 50:15;19-20)
- The long and short of it is that SIN causes pain and suffering.
- God allows it and in some cases God issues it, but because of man’s SIN. (Gen. 38:7,10)
- Testing of our faith makes us complete. (James 1:2-4)
- We were created to glorify God, even in our trials. (1 Cor. 10:31; Isaiah 43:7; Matt. 5:16)
How is your vision?