Really, why do bad things happen?

Really, why do bad things happen?

  1. A father’s deceit and favoritism brought pain and suffering. (Gen. 37:3-4)
  2. Jealousy brought pain and suffering. (Gen. 37:28)
  3. Physical desire and lies brought pain and suffering. (Gen. 39:6b-7)
  4. A bad memory caused pain and suffering. (Gen. 40:23)
  5. Lack of vision caused pain and suffering. (Gen. 50:15;19-20)
  6. The long and short of it is that SIN causes pain and suffering.
  7. God allows it and in some cases God issues it, but because of man’s SIN. (Gen. 38:7,10)
  8. Testing of our faith makes us complete. (James 1:2-4)
  9. We were created to glorify God, even in our trials. (1 Cor. 10:31; Isaiah 43:7; Matt. 5:16)

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