King David: What was God Thinking?

King David: What was God Thinking?

Saul was rejected because…

  1. He disobeyed – 1 Samuel 15:19
  2. He relied on his own spirit – 1 Samuel 13:12
  3. He didn’t understand what God desires – 1 Samuel 15:22-23

David’s qualifications and differences from Saul were…

  1. Honor – 1 Samuel 24:6-10
  2. Endurance – 2 Samuel 5:4
  3. Adoration – 1 Samuel 17:26
  4. Repentance – 2 Samuel 12:13
  5. Trust – 1 Samuel 23:2

God wants our heart.  Because when the heart is all in, the soul, mind, and, strength, follow.