Sermons on Leadership
Tough Answer to a Short Question
Jesus, our leader… To truly follow Jesus, open the eyes of your heart and have tunnel vision.
A Sentimental Journey
Sermon Scripture: Acts 1:12-26 Sermon Big Idea: We need to place those in leadership who will lead us in the direction of God. And we need to be followers who will be faithful to the cause. Acts 1:12-14 Jesus’ followers stuck together. 2 sam 15:30 Prophecy, prayer, hope, victory Zech 14:4 Luke 22:39 Acts 1:15-22 A leader emerged to inspire and organize their actions. Matthew 27:3-10 Ps 69:25, 109:8 Acts 1:23-26 THE leader was called upon to direct them. As How COVID has affected us
Holy Annoyance
Sermon Scripture: Luke 11:3-13 Sermon Big Idea: We expect three things from our earthly fathers, provision, forgiveness, and leadership. Jesus says we can ask the same things of our heavenly father. Luke 11:3-4 Three things we expect from our fathers Provision Live and give – The Rich Fool Fashion and fill up – Luke 12:30-31 Quality over quantity – Luke 11:11-13 Forgiveness Year of Jubilee For God’s sake – 1 John 2:12, Isaiah 43:25 For your sake – Acts 10:43, How COVID has affected us
Courageous Leadership
Deuteronomy 31:7-8 Being Strong and Courageous is NOT about our power, it’s about His Presence. Joshua has strength and courage because of God’s promise of “I will always be with you.” The courage comes from confidence in the power, strength and faithfulness of God. We have that Promise too: Matthew 28:18-20 The Holy Spirit empowers the disciples to seek first the kingdom of God. God’s presence gives them the courage and strength to take the Gospel to the very ends How COVID has affected us
The Disliked Leader
We may disagree on policy and issues related to our world, but that doesn’t mean we are exempt from loving others. We don’t get to pick and choose which verses we follow. Romans 13:1-2 1 Peter 2:13-14 God uses unlikely people to accomplish His will. Samson Nebuchadnezzar God teaches us to honor and love those we disagree with. Saul and David 1 Samuel 24:5-6 1 Samuel 26:9 2 Samuel 1:16 Be careful how you speak about the Lord’s anointed.
An Underrated Discovery
Josiah didn’t let his father influence his pursuit of God. (2 Chronicles 34:1-2) At 16 he sought God (2 Chronicles 34:3a) At 20 he affirmed his love by destroying idols (2 Chronicles 34:3b) At 26 he made history (2 Chronicles 34:15; 35:18) Josiah discovered that God… Deals out justice (2 Chronicles 34:24-25) Protects those who seek after Him with a tender and humble heart. (2 Chronicles 34:26-27) The power of God’s Word is that it will lead us to know How COVID has affected us
Lead Me
Mark 6:30-44 God gave us the gift and design of leadership. When leaders lead things get done. When leaders learn from Jesus, what they deliver satisfies. When followers submit to Jesus they are filled. What does this have to do with church leadership? The leaders need only to deliver what comes from Jesus. Mark 6:41 The leaders need to be qualified to lead God’s church. 1 Peter 5:1-4 The church needs to submit to what God has ordained. 1 Peter How COVID has affected us
King David: What was God Thinking?
Saul was rejected because… He disobeyed – 1 Samuel 15:19 He relied on his own spirit – 1 Samuel 13:12 He didn’t understand what God desires – 1 Samuel 15:22-23 David’s qualifications and differences from Saul were… Honor – 1 Samuel 24:6-10 Endurance – 2 Samuel 5:4 Adoration – 1 Samuel 17:26 Repentance – 2 Samuel 12:13 Trust – 1 Samuel 23:2 God wants our heart. Because when the heart is all in, the soul, mind, and, strength, follow.
God’s Gift to the Church
Elders are… Set apart to lead God’s people – Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5 Assigned to Shepherd God’s people – 1 Peter 5:2; Psalm 23 Called to be examples for God’s people – 1 Peter 5:3; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9 God’s gift to His people – Numbers 11:16-17 Are you humble enough and hungry enough to be a sheep in the care of God’s local shepherds?