A High View from Below

A High View from Below

Ezekiel 1:10

John 1:1-5

  1. Jesus shed light on a dark situation.
    1. Matthew 9:36
    2. Exodus 2:23.
    3. Matthew 20:21

John 1:6-8

  1. John turned the light on so the people might see.
    1. John 20:31
    2. 2 Cor. 3:2
    3. 2 Cor 4:6

John 1:9-13

  1. Jesus came back to a familiar place.
    1. 2 cor 6:16
    2. Exodus 25:8

John 1:14

  1. The light exposed truth about Jesus
    1. Hebrews 1:3a
    2. John 8:12
    3. John 14:6

Matthew 1:23

Jesus is “God with us.” And if we know where we want to go, He will light the way.