How to be Rich Toward God

How to be Rich Toward God


Luke 12:13-21

Jesus tells a parable of a Rich Fool who when he comes upon a windfall of abundance he can neither see beyond himself nor this world.

What would you do if you suddenly came upon an unexpected financial blessing?

Matthew 25:14-30

Jesus tells another parable. This one is about stewardship. Three men are given a certain number of talents, each according to his ability – two of the men are rewarded for their diligence of making more talents. But the man who sat complacently by and failed to produce any results was punished for his sloth.

How are you currently managing all that God has asked you to steward in His absence?

Budgeting Resources – Websites and Apps to begin budgeting today!

Get out of debt! Learn how to budget your finances! Take control of your money! Sign up for Financial Peace University at! The next class will begin Saturday, January 7th at 10:00 am – 11:30 am at the home of Lisle and Jan Pickford, FPU Coordinators.