Ephesians 5:22-33
Biblical Marriage is for ________ – filled people.
Biblical Marriage is a __________ and not a contract.
Biblical Marriage is _____________.
Marriage Tips
- Listen / communicate more than you talk
- Don’t think about what you’re going to say while the other person is talking.
- Respond with “Is this what you said?” and allow clarification.
- Don’t check your phone when you’re listening. Voice mail for a reason.
- Don’t let the sun go down on your anger.
- God is more desirable of your Holiness than your happiness
- It’s not about you.
- Give 100% – not taking turns, not half/half – but All in
- Be best friends 2 are better than one – cultivate it prob. 18:25
- Act silly prov 5:18. Have fun together.
- Read your bible together
- Pray together 1 thes 5:16-18