A Shipwreck of a Sermon

A Shipwreck of a Sermon

Sermon Scripture: Acts 27

Sermon Big Idea:  When we are in tune with God’s plan for our life, we faithfully stay the course, even when those around us are trying to alter it.

Acts 27:21-26

  1. Paul trusted God’s plan.

Acts 27:33-37

  1. Paul testified about God’s plan.

Acts 27:41-44

  1. Paul traveled God’s plan.

Practically speaking…

  1. Seek God’s will
    1. Know where to look
    2. Know what to love
  2. Share God’s will
    1. Know how to share
    2. Know how to care
  3. Stay in God’s will
    1. Know how to endure
    2. Know how to be secure

Don’t let the world alter your life, instead make it an altar to the one who saved you.